Happy Birthday Moobag!

So after three days of celebrations, I think we can officially say our little lady is five years old and we are knackered!


How the hell did that happen? How is she not a teeny tiny baby any more? It feels like only a few minutes ago we brought her home from the hospital!

More to the point, how has she made it this far without us killing her either by accident or design? Some days it’s been close, in both ways! She is like a small teenager just recently, any time we do or say something she doesn’t like, we get folded arms and stamped feet and makes a duck face like a fifteen year old! It is sooooo funny and we can’t help but laugh, which just makes her more cross with us!

But. She’s also beautiful and crazy and clever and funny and compassionate and kind. I am so proud of her, even when I want to sell her to the circus. More significantly for me, judging by yesterday, she is liked and respected by her peers. Standing in the kitchen cutting up pizza and listening to them argue about who got to sit next to Molly made my heart so full.

So happy birthday Moobag, I love you oodles.

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